Bahbahh sheep
Friday, March 27, 2009
I haven't worked hard enough.
But I am so so tired.
I have failed perhaps. As a person. So tired.
when all seemed bleak
Friday, March 20, 2009
to you: 就别再为他流泪.
There is always someone else out there for you, some place sometime, maybe just not now. What we as friends can offer is only words of comfort, a shoulder to lean on. But we cant solve your problem.
As said, 感情的事由不得第三者插手.
Say, sing
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Running away only gives temporary gratification.
Singing is as such. For a moment, time seems to stop. All your troubles seem to dissolve away, repelled by the melody flowing, the lyrics that poured out, sometimes from the bottom of your heart.
Songs can mould a person's mood.
I am still surprised at how, songs can trigger memories of a particular period of time, be it of great enjoyment, or of sadness.
Sing your heart out, sing your troubles away.
Not permanently though. How sad, how nice it would be if it was true. Hehs. :)
Wistful thinking much.
Anyways, TopOne today with the girls was fun! Hahahahaha, i think my singing volume increased. And I found my fellow mayi-ness in Ellien lols :) its a cause for celebration, can't say for her though haha.
Happy Birthday dear Ellien, may all your wishes come true. Be happy, stay
happy :)
songs that we remember
Friday, March 13, 2009
What does it say when I can't bear to listen to a song that reminds?
Had dinner today with the girls at Bugis Junction today.
No, thats not our dinner up there; thats our dessert! hahahhahahahha. lovely ain't they? :p
Bought two dresses + one cardigan. I am a happy girl as of today :D
As pretty as a picture
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Labels: Rainbow
Seems forever since I last blogged.
Time flies.
Sometime, somewhere, when I thought it was all okay once again, someone, something pulls the rug underneath my feet and like London Bridge, all falls down.
But its ok. Climbing up is no longer as hard as it was the first time round. In fact, my ability to mood switch scares me. hahahahahah.
But that usually only happens at home. Usually.
I figured my mom was right.
I am still immature.
Bad time management (read: late), lack of discipline.
I fear failing my papers. Seriously hate feeling dumb. But I can't say anything, because I am not doing anything to change that.
Downfalls are such that they are blindspots until you really fall. And possibly break your neck.
Well. I am such a morbid person.
I do miss alot of things I enjoyed in the past. Chatting with the girls over excessively long lunches (ling ling especially!), doing nothing in particular but talk. And talk and talk. Huh. I think I am getting talkative in my old age.
Nah, I am already over the acting 17 part. I openly and willingly declare that I am 21 years, 1 month and 6 days as of 11 march 2009. After all, if I am 17, I have to meet him and repeat everything all over again. Not really a pleasant thought.
I am seeing people around me commiting the same mistakes again and again.
My mom always says: 不要钻牛角间,学会放手,做人会更开心. I am always and forever glad my mom is always around. She is a source of comfort for me, source of unconditional love, and my best friend in this world. (: I really really love her.
Onto happier stuff!
12 Mar - Lunch with elmo, kim ann and suen hui. Hopefully my dearest ling can make it (it has been ages since we last met!)
13 Mar - appointment at 2pm, clothes shopping at bugis with suen hui (maybe?)
15 Mar - Charissa's birthday party (: RedPinkPle
18 Mar - Ellien's 21st
21 Mar - Piano concert @ nafa
March is turning out to be a exciting month (: