Monday, April 20, 2009
Once you open your heart and mind, you see so much more.
Breathe in the scenery around you, see the people around you for who they are :)
My first impression of Vincent was that of a pompous self-centered being with a penchant for cold jokes. But now, hahahahaha!
Who would ever thought to draw a female lizard on the board to lure the crawling live one that was distracting everyone's attention?
He would, and did hahaha!
Allowing myself to wallow in minute problems hazed my vision for a few months. What a waste of time. Now I know why I was so much more carefree and happier than last time.
There are people who make your day, people who can ruin it simply by existing. Ignore the latter, concentrate on those who make your day, because they are the ones who really deserve it :)
Use your energy to love, not getting disgusted/unhappy over those others :)